e-Learning Services

    Use Scnerio based learning.

    Use micro-learning to deliver critical concepts.

    Keep training curriculum role-bases and relevant.

    Use interactivity tools such as gamification and reinforcement.

    Incorporate visual mediums such as 3D graphics and simulation.

    Emotional Engagement:Use a narrative that puts the learner at the center.

e-Learning Services

    Use Scnerio based learning.

    Use microlearning to deliver critical concepts.

    Keep training curriculum role-bases and relevant.

    Use interactivity tools such as gamification and reinforcement.

    Incorporate visual mediums such as 3D graphics and simulation.

    Emotional Engagement:Use a narrative that puts the learner at the center.

   Learning By

Build Branched

Facilitate Open

Harness Gamified

Learning Pathways

Clean and

Interaction elements

Consistancy in

Navigation easier


Mobile-first for
on-the-go learning

the buisness needs

shortfalls and problem points

Define the
training objectives

Level 1

Level 1 e-Learning will be page-turner eLearning, which should not be considered derogatory, simply a descriptive way to differentiate this style of development from others.

The course design will reflect the corporate or organizational style guide (colors, corporate logo, etc.) and should include basic page-level navigation such as play/pause, next, back, and so on.

Courses at this level will not include audio. All courses, regardless of complexity level, will have basic SCORM functionality such as book-marking and performance tracking.

Multimedia elements (icon, layout, formatting, stock pictures etc.) are generally simplistic and non-custom. Graphics are pulled from stock libraries, clip-art, and otherwise not created from scratch.

Level 1 courses will not have user interactivity except player interactions. Level 1 courses will not have voiceover recording or integration in the scope. Additionally, inclusion of a post-test (true/false, multiple-choice, etc.) is easily included at courses of any level. Quiz creation and deployment is now one of the easiest items to include in a course.

Level 2

Level 2 e-Learning includes all of the features of Level 1 but raises the bar.

Courses at this level have more complex interactivities, and therefore will have more detailed instructional design, writing, and storyboarding in order to get it right.

Courses will have in-line interactive elements such as drag-and-drop, hot spots, categorize, and other items that require the user to manipulate objects on the page using a mouse or keyboard strokes.

Level 2 courses will have 1 neutral English voiceover recording and integration will be in the scope.

Additionally, custom illustrations, graphics, and simple animations may be included.

Level 3

Level 3 e-Learning courses will have the same elements as Level 2 but raise the bar further still.

Courses at this level have more interactivities, and these are also more complex in their design. These may actually be custom interactivities rather than template-based standard interactivities.

The multimedia experience is also increased with sharper custom visuals, more animations, and more complex instructional design.

Level 3 courses will have 1 neutral English voiceover recording and integration will be in the scope.

Problem-solving activities like performing financial calculations, simulating software environments, developing multi-step “branching” scenarios, and so on, maybe included based on client requirement. Courses may also have more complex SCORM communication built-in.

If needed we may set the course up to include multiple topics and require topic A as a prerequisite for the learner to take topic B.

We may also include remediation that points the learner back to previous lessons within the course if an interactivity question is not answered correctly.