
Level - 1

The course design will reflect the corporate or organizational style guide (colors, corporate logo, etc.) and should include basic page-level navigation such as play/pause, next, back, and so on. Courses at this level will not include audio. All courses, regardless of complexity level, will have basic SCORM functionality such as book-marking and performance tracking.

Level - 2

Courses at this level have more complex interactivities, and therefore will have more detailed instructional design, writing, and storyboarding in order to get it right. Courses will have in-line interactive elements such as drag-and-drop, hot spots, categorize, and other items that require the user to manipulate objects on the page using a mouse or keyboard strokes.

Level - 3 (Education)

Courses at this level have more interactivities, and these are also more complex in their design. These may actually be custom interactivities rather than template-based standard interactivities. The multimedia experience is also increased with sharper custom visuals, more animations, and more complex instructional design.

Level - 3 (Corporate)

Level 3 courses will have 1 neutral English voiceover recording and integration will be in the scope. Problem-solving activities like performing financial calculations, simulating software environments, developing multi-step “branching” scenarios, and so on, maybe included based on client requirement. Courses may also have more complex SCORM communication built-in.


Gamification involves the use of gaming techniques in order to provide engaging learning and training experiences that result in increased knowledge retention and improved outcomes.


Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) bridge the digital and physical worlds. They allow you to take in information and content visually, in the same way you take in the world.


Infographics (a clipped compound of "information" and "graphics") are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system's ability to see patterns and trends.

Infographic - (White Board)

A whiteboard animation video is an explainer video, typically used to sell a product or describe a system. Whiteboard animation videos are incredibly effective for communicating complex ideas. Using whiteboard animation can boost attention and retention for your audience

2D (Animation)

2D animation is the art of creating movement in a two-dimensional space. This includes characters, creatures, FX and backgrounds.

3D (Animation)

It is the process of generating three-dimensional moving images in a digital environment. Careful manipulation of 3D models or objects is carried out within 3D software for exporting picture sequences giving them the illusion of animation or movement.

All Animations

Animation is a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images. In traditional animation, images are drawn or painted by hand on transparent celluloid sheets to be photographed and exhibited on film. Today, most animations are made with computer-generated imagery (CGI).


Static sites are the most basic type of website and are the easiest to create. Unlike dynamic websites, they do not require any Web programming or database design


A dynamic website is a website that displays different types of content every time a user views it. This display changes depending on a number of factors like viewer demographics, time of day, location, language settings, and so on.


Are games specifically designed to teach a certain subject, expand concepts, reinforce development, understand an historical event or culture, or learn a skill.